
Please visit our sponsors and classes of interest to the Practitioner of East Asian Medicine

Below you will find our sponsoring organizations as well as links to continuing ed classes by some of the best herb teachers around. In addition we have one podcast listed.  The Shen Nong Society and our community of East Asian medicine practitioners would not be able to do our work without these organizations and individuals.  Our sponsors primarily are distributors of resources used by our community – the best quality herbs we can find.  The teachers help deepen our understanding to make us the best healers that we can be.  To find out more information, please click on the links below:

Sharon Weizenbaum and the White Pine Institute
Nigel Dawes and Kampo
Happy Goat Productions
Mazin Al-Khafaji Dermatology Training
Suzanne Robidoux and Jing Fang
Pro-D Seminars
Kamwo Meridian Herbs
Mayway Herbs
Redwing Books
Eastland Books
High Falls Gardens
Crane Herb Company
Michael Max
Lhasa Oriental Medical Supplies